Worship at the Water™
Children's Ministry
As parents, our highest priority is to raise our children to love the Lord as their Savior. Through our daily personal walk and through our interactions with our community of faith children learn what it looks like to rely on God.
Our goal is to partner with parents by offering spiritual guidance, Bible-based teachings in a safe, secure age-appropriate environment where every child feels loved. Your children will learn how the stories of the Bible apply to their lives and build friendships that will last.
Join us on Sundays!
Our Children’s Ministry has Sunday School, nursery, and childcare ministries in the children and youth building at our Fairpoint Campus.
Sunday School starts at 9:30 for children k-5th, and childcare is available at 9:30 and 11:00 for younger children.
Child-friendly activities are available for children who attend our Worship at the Water™ campus.
This year the children will be studying the whole Bible in one year!
Digging into the Bible in one year takes kids on a whirlwind journey from Genesis to Revelation. Kids experience a relationship with God through the eyes of ordinary Bible people.
Kids will discover that they are a lot like people God has always loved and worked through. Your children will learn how the stories of the Bible apply to their lives and build friendships that will last.
This class is available for children who attend both our Fairpoint Campus or Worship at the Water™ Campus.
Safe Sanctuaries & Other Legal Documentation
GBUMC is committed to demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ so that each person will be “…surrounded by steadfast love, …established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.”
Safe Sanctuaries informs GBUMC’s commitment to provide for the physical safety and spiritual growth of all children, youth, and at-risk or vulnerable adults attending GBUMC programs. In addition, we will undertake measures to prevent physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of children, youth, and at-risk or vulnerable adults that are under our care.
Safe Sanctuaries
Safety matters. A copy of Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy and Minimum Standards is available upon request by contacting our Church Office at 850-932-3594 or by emailing any of our clergy, ministry leaders, or Church Administrator.
Review and complete GBUMC's Safe Sanctuaries Participation Covenant
Review and complete GBUMC's Safe Sanctuaries Background Check
Safe Sanctuaries Training is offered to all new volunteers upon completion of a successful Volunteer Application, interview, and background check and annually to the congregation at large for refresher training and interactive group learning. Follow the church calendar for annual training event details or email Pastor Ashlee Brown, Chair of GBUMC’s Safe Sanctuaries Committee, abrown@gbumc.org.
Waiver & Photo Release
Students must have a waiver on file, which includes the parent/caregiver contact information, transportation approval, and medical insurance information, should the emergency need arise.
The Children's Place
Children's Place is an early childhood program for children ages 12 months to pre-kindergarten dedicated to the nurturing, growth and happiness of children. Our preschool reflects the church's mission to serve families, especially during early childhood when the basic patterns for coping with life are formed. We emphasize the teaching of Christian values through well-grounded principles of current child development principles.